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110 East 57th Street
New York, NY, 10022
United States


A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.



Stylempower is the fashion solution for women in NYC to save them time and help them feel empowered. We specialize in petites.



You do have something to wear, here's how to find it ....
Get a free copy of my Ebook today!

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as featured in

Click here to schedule your complimentary “personal style assessment“ today.


Feeling amazing in how you look is empowering!


What are the pieces in your wardrobe that you love to wear and make you feel like a million bucks?  Shouldn't everything in your closet make you feel that way?

I created Stylempower, a personal styling company, for you, the busy NY woman, as the fashion solution for all of your wardrobe needs. My services will save you time, stop the closet overwhelm and create outfits that will take your style to the next level; so that you feel confident and empowered in everything you wear and everything you do. 

You can Be the successful woman you know you are!


Our mission

Our mission is to empower you to feel confident in your appearance, by creating an easy stylized wardrobe. 

You are busy enough as it is - we help you take the stress out of getting dressed.

what sets us apart

As a women's clothing Designer for over twenty years, Diane has expertise in fabric, fit and construction. Further, she understands how to work with  different body types, tastes and budgets.

Stylempower is a customer focused business. There is no pushing of expensive items: we choose the best items for you, based on your pricing and personal style. Stylempower is "style for your lifestyle."

Are you petite? Getting dressed everyday can be difficult enough, but finding clothes in your size is extra complicated. Stylempower is also a petite specialist; The only one in NYC.

how we help you

You are a woman with a demanding lifestyle. With our signature system, we will assess YOUR personal style and personally curate a wardrobe that suits your needs and budgets.

here are 7 ways

1) You don't have to spend a lot of money to look good. Styles does not have to be expensive!

2) Despite getting rid of things, you will have more outfits in your wardrobe.

3) You won't  get sucked in by trends, they are suggestions and not mandates. The season's "must-haves" are not always "must-haves', unless they work for you.

4) We help you stylize your outfits to take your look from fine 2 fab. 

5)  You leave with take-away guidelines that can be applied to future purchases and outfits.

6) We will  fit anything (worth keeping) into your small space.

7) You will be amazed at how great you feel in these new outfits and how it will positively affect other areas of your life. 

  • I get more compliments than ever now. When I wake up, I look at my clothes in a different light, and feel more...shall I say it?...empowered.
    — Heather
  • Diane was a breath of fresh air to my closet! Her keen eye quickly made great new outfits out of clothes I had had for years, and her discerning style also advised me what to purchase to stretch my wardrobe even more.
    — Allison
  • No need to wait to show the world who you really are, book her immediately.
    — Tamara
  • Diane essentially doubled the usability of my clothes! I have a renewed confidence in my look and am excited to wear all my "new" outfits!
    — Michelle
  • Thanks Diane, for teaching me, and making me save money and feel more confident when I walk out the door.
    — Heather


Watch highlights of a fashion show I styled with  Eileen Fisher clothing & Marmi accessories.

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